Monday, 30 January 2017

Northumberland’s CONservatives Anti-Working Class bias want to airbrush Cramlington’s miners mural from our community

Following a major snub of a motion heard in County Hall in December from Cramlington Councillor Allan Hepple which sought to highlight the continued injustice faced by miners and their families from a Tory raid on their pensions, your local CONS in Crammy want to ‘airbrush’ over a valued mural depicting the mining heritage of our town.

Not content with snubbing the motion on the miner’s pension raid by their government, the anti-working class brigade headed up by Daley and Flux now want to get rid of a piece of working class culture in our town. The new memorial to the mineworkers of Anne Pit in High Pit Cramlington who’s work underground paved the way and produced the wealth that built up Cramlington from its humble beginnings is now in their sights.

The fabulous artwork was designed by Frank Styles and is an example of trompe d’oeil mural.

A Labour Party Spokesperson said: “Cramlington has grown up from a group of villages set around pits to a large busy new town sitting beside its massive industrial estate. It’s Northumberland’s second largest town and set to become its largest over the next two decades and it is a wonderful place, filled with workers and their families. It only exists in its current form because of its history of industry fuelled by working people. Northumberland’s Tories have taken a despicable stance against those people, their neighbours in this town. The deletion of the memory of those who gave their all to make Cramlington what it is today. It’s typical of the ‘SAY NO TO EVERYTHING brigade”


1 comment:

  1. I saw it for the first time last week! Personally, whilst I admire the art, I think that it looks totally out of place.
    Who paid for it? Who sanctioned it? Were the residents consulted?
