Cramlington Town Council in debate over which political
party does more for the south east
Nov 12, 2014
By Adam Luke Evening Chronicle
Cramlington Town Council spent an hour and a half
debating a motion put forward by Labour group leader Coun Allan Hepple
Cramlington Town Council spent an hour and
a half debating a motion put forward by Labour group leader Coun Allan Hepple,
which criticising Conservatives, Lib Dems and Ukip across the county for
‘talking down’ the south east.
Responding to allegations from Tories, including
Berwick’s Anne Marie Trevelyan and Hexham MP Guy Opperman, that Labour favours
the south east at the expense of rural Northumberland, Coun Hepple challenged
Cramlington’s Conservative councillors Barry Flux and Wayne Daley “to speak up
for the south east against unwarranted attacks”.
Coun Hepple said: “It seems Couns Daley and Flux are
quick to attack Labour for not doing enough in the south east, yet their Tory
party colleagues seem to think Labour’s doing too much.
“They’ve been silent when Tories have lined up to talk
the south east down and they’ve been silent when it comes to supporting
projects like the Labour/NHS partnerships in Cramlington, hundreds of new
council houses and affordable homes, tackling the scandalous 35,000 pot hole
backlog and a series of projects which will see hundreds of jobs created.
“This is their chance to back the south east against
their colleagues in the rural areas who seem to delight in setting community
against community.
“Labour will continue to speak up for Northumberland and
the south east in particular. It’s a shame that the Tories can’t seem to do the
The motion, which was carried, stated that the south east
accounts for more than half the total population of Northumberland, and that the
area has been “severely disadvantaged” over decades as a result of
It added: “This council urges opposition councillors and
activists to acknowledge the long standing difficulties faced by communities
across the south east and to back Labour’s plans to invest in the south east
and across Northumberland.”
Coun Daley argued that the debate should never have come
before the town council. He added: “Many of the achievements Labour claimed
responsibility for were actually carried out by central government, regional
government or the previous County Council, and so they cannot take credit.
“I am 100% behind the south east of this county and there
is no need for this political rhetoric.
“This was not an appropriate debate for a town council
which should be focusing on cutting the grass and tidying up litter, not
discussing decisions we cannot make.
“I feel the people of Cramlington will look at this and see that
we wasted an hour and a half talking.”
Coun Daley put forward a counter motion supporting investment
in the area but it was rejected.
After the meeting, Coun Jeff Reid, county member for
Plessey and leader of the county’s Lib Dem group, said the administration he
led before the last election had started many of the projects Labour claimed.
Plans are ongoing to move Northumberland County Council’s
County Hall from Morpeth to Ashington by 2018, despite widespread opposition
from Labour’s opponents who have questioned the financial and practical
benefits of the move.
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